CySIA Training Modules

Modules include Reading Materials, Class Slides, Unplugged Activities, Quiz and Test Banks, In-class Exercises, and Solution Manuals.

CySIA Modules

Module Level Module Name CySIA Concept Lesson Plan
Beginner CIA Triad Introduction Coming Soon
Beginner Two Factor Authentication Introduction Coming Soon
Beginner Data Breaches Introduction Coming Soon
Beginner Phishing Introduction Coming Soon
Beginner Smishing Introduction Coming Soon
Beginner Vishing Introduction Coming Soon

Beginner Strength in Length Passwords Coming Soon
Beginner Biometrics and Passkeys Passwords Coming Soon
Advanced Hash Cracking Passwords Coming Soon

Beginner Simple Ciphers Cryptography Coming Soon
Intermediate Modern Encryption Cryptography Coming Soon
Intermediate Steganography Cryptography Coming Soon

Beginner Digital Footprint Privacy Coming Soon
Beginner Policies Privacy Coming Soon
Beginner Consequences Privacy Coming Soon
Advanced Dark Web Privacy Coming Soon

Beginner Cyber Awareness Networking Coming Soon
Beginner How the Internet Works Networking Coming Soon
Intermediate Computers Talk Networking Coming Soon
Advanced Traffic Capture Networking Coming Soon
Intermediate Firewalls Networking Coming Soon
Beginner Updates Networking Coming Soon

Beginner Microsoft Windows Hardening Coming Soon
Intermediate Linux Hardening Coming Soon
Intermediate GenCyberCoin Hardening Coming Soon
Intermediate Capture the Flag Hardening Coming Soon

Beginner Ransomware Malware Coming Soon
Beginner Keyloggers Malware Coming Soon
Beginners Trojans Malware Coming Soon
Intermediate Log Analysis Malware Coming Soon
Intermediate Process Activity Malware Coming Soon
Advanced Traffic Capture Malware Coming Soon
Beginner Backups Malware Coming Soon

Beginner Outlook Careers Coming Soon
Beginner Resources Careers Coming Soon